

Sean D.

Thomas's guidance over the years has been enormously important in understanding my own goals and overcoming the difficulties I've had in pursuing them. He takes a genuine interest not only in your career, but also in how it relates to the other aspects of your life. He has a way of re-articulating your priorities in a way which simplifies and clarifies them, and he structures a coherent and practical approach to working through the obstacles getting in your way. What Thomas offers is that rarest of combinations: genuine intelligence and creativity alongside a deep engagement in what you're trying to achieve—not just in your job but in your life.

Karen O.

As a first-generation student at UCLA, my focus during my undergraduate studies was solely on doing well academically. It wasn't until my second year, when I crossed paths with Thomas, that everything changed. He ignited a fire within me, making me realize the vital significance of career planning. Questions like "What is my ultimate goal?" and "What steps am I taking to reach my dream job?" had never been posed to me before. With Thomas's guidance, I began to dream big and, more importantly, take concrete steps toward pursuing my ideal career.

Even now, as a graduate student, Thomas continues to be a pillar of support for my career trajectory. His professional advice has been invaluable, especially when he recently provided me with outstanding feedback on my resume while I search for Graduate internship opportunities. It is clear that Thomas is genuinely passionate about helping young adults discover their lifelong passions and careers. His genuine care and empathy will undoubtedly instill the confidence you need to achieve your career aspirations. With Thomas by your side, you'll be empowered to conquer your dreams.

Carmen C.

Thomas was my first supervisor after graduating college and we have kept in touch for almost two decades. In addition to being a wonderful boss, he has mentored and coached me throughout my many career journeys in government, politics, and nonprofits. My biggest career challenges include managing up and sideways. Thomas starts with understanding the organization's structure to pinpoint the dysfunction. He is very patient in listening to my thoughts and frustrations and helps me think through resolving the issue. Over time, I have grown to be a better, more confident leader and manager thanks to Thomas's advice. If you are considering a career coach, reach out to him immediately!

Sandra R.

As a 2020 college graduate, I faced a lot of uncertainty due to the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic. I had the opportunity to work under Thomas' leadership at UCLA, and throughout this time he was a consistent and stellar mentor. He organized biweekly meetings to chat about my career goals, took the time to read and revise my resume, and helped me prepare for interviews. I have had the pleasure of knowing him for 5 years now, and have seen him mentor multiple UCLA students and seasoned professionals alike. I would highly recommend him to anyone seeking career advice and guidance!

Carmen C.

Working with Thomas Rodriguez has been one of the most transformational experiences I have had and I can truly say that he is one of the most influential people who continues to support me in my quest to find and obtain a successful career. Upon graduating from college, I was overwhelmed, confused, stressed, and even ashamed of not knowing what I wanted to do with my career. I was stuck trying to decide between working with preschool age children vs working in higher education. I didn't know if I should go back to get a masters or what I would even get a masters in. Beyond helping me with job searches, resume writing, interview skills, and the other technical elements that come with career exploration and job opportunities, what stands out most from my interactions with Thomas is how much he genuinely cares about helping others learn and grow in a holistic and empathetic approach. This is exactly what Thomas did for me- he helped me flourish in all aspects of my life. He created a space that allowed me to be vulnerable, made me feel seen, addressed my concerns, and encouraged me. Thomas taught me all I know about the importance of networking and building my community, challenged me to restructure how I see problems and to think critically to solve them, and most importantly, he empowered me with the tools, knowledge, support, and confidence I needed to be unapologetic in chasing my career goals. I began our career meetings as a scared, timid, unconfident graduate and transformed into a powerful, organized, confident counselor with a clear direction of what I want from my career and how to achieve my goals.